I was thrilled to discover, on checking my blog stats today, that I've just made it over the 5000 page views target. I can't believe that I've had so many people reading my random posts and following this blog.
I'm finally feeling back to my old self, mostly, after having little Mini Manley and hoping that from next week she'll behave long enough to give me a chance to do some little projects. Since starting the blog I've worked my way through a few birthday cakes, some new recipes and craft projects.
I really just wanted to write a quick thank you to everyone for following our progress, either personally or with more of an interest in the baking. I hope you continue to follow us are interested by the projects I hope to post more of in the future.
In our Tesco shop this week (arriving today) I have ordered some food items which will enable me to make some more new recipes. I'm going to keep you in suspense as to what these are but I hope they will be the first of many more recipes to appear on this blog. Gary is going back to work on Monday, boo, after having some leave for the baby and to thank them for support I'm sending him in with some cakes. Good opportunity for some new items. Since Gary is trying to be healthy, I've had to choose a few healthy recipes to compliment the unhealthy ones. As always I'll let you know how it goes.
I also have a few craft projects on the go, some knitting and sewing, and will post these in due course.
Thank you for all your page views and I look forward to many more in the future. We'll have to see how long it takes to get to 10,000 page views!!
Mini Manley having a relaxing cuddle!! |
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