Wednesday 3 July 2013

1 Year Old!!

No I'm not referring to mini manley just yet!! This blog was started exactly 1 year ago today, Happy Birthday!! 

In that year there's been a lot of ups and downs, significantly the arrival of M&M and all the joys that pregnancy brought for me!! I haven't been able to do as much baking as I would like but I have still managed to put together a significant number of recipes as can be seen on my Index page. This is a recent addition to the blog so that recipes can be found more easily. As the list increases I'll probably have to organise it a little more but for now it shows the variety of foods I've created. In this year I've also designed some new cakes, learnt some decorating techniques and tried some baking techniques I'd previously never tried before. 
M&M joined the family
I look forward to continuing in this, trying new ideas and designing new cakes. It would be great if one day people thought my cakes were good enough to order them off me and I could actually get paid for something I love doing!! So if anyone needs a cake for any occasion give me a shout!! 

Finally thank you all for following me, over that year I've gradually increased my page views and hopefully my audience so I'm now on over 6000 page views!! and recently have been getting over 100 page views a day!! I didn't know so many people were interested in my goodies but it's nice to know you're all there!! 

The first cake I made:
First cake - Butterfly
 To the last cake:
Last cake - Eeyore
Things have improved a little!!

Finally a thank you from our ever growing M&M.

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